4. Big Bang Theory, GOD and Nature.

The Universe is expanding.
If extrapolated backwards in time, at the beginning, there must have been a "singularity".
A scientific theory.

The question is who created this "singularity"?
Only plausible answer - GOD(s)

GOD(s) created this "singularity" and the "Big Bang" and thus this Universe with Billions of Galaxies and Trillions of Stars and Planets.

Belief in God but not religion.
Most if not all religions are created by man.

People pray to God for all sorts of things.
Terminal patients pray for healing.
Sometimes miracles do happen.
But most times God(s) let nature run its course.
That's why good people die young, like my sister.
Perhaps she has become a "Guardian Angel".
Where one goes in the afterlife depends on what one does in life.

Thoughts and Theories.
Some might say it's BS.
Perhaps but you never know until .....

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